Mon 27 Jan
Concupiscent, Warm & Inviting ... My first trip to Tulsa next week!!! 7th - 8th! - 49
(Tulsa, Tulsa - not sure where, though!)
CALL ME if you are tired of the same ole , if you are bored or need a friend! 2 hr SPECIAL - 50
(northeastern oklahoma)
AVAILABLE NOW!! $100/HR Incall Specials Come See this SEXY LADY! 405-204-3311 - 23
(31st and memorial, Tulsa)
Brand New~Up all Night^Dont Waist time... ( Naughty And Fun!) OUTCALLS ONLY - 25
(Tulsa, Tulsa Sourrounding Areas)
✪❀$60 TIRED of NOT getting WHAT you SEE? 100% me AND recent PICTURES always READY! ❀✪❀✪❀ - 29
(Tulsa, Tulsa, okla)
stop being fooled, their pics aren't real , mine are! TATTOOS DONT LIE🍑 Filipino 🙊gσσd rεvιεωs - 27
(Incall special if you prove me your safe, Omaha)
New Beautiful & Sexy Nice Korean girl Hanabi and Chinese girl Linda - 22
(San Mateo, SSF/Daly City/San Bruno)
Amazing !! Dazzling And Discreet Beauty Available Now!! {Independent 100% - 22
%%%% $60 incall special, MONDAY night come GET over those MONDAY BLUES %%%% - 28
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding areas)
Hot & Ready👅60 70 150 specials💋 redwood city incalls💋 - 25
(San Mateo, redwood city incalls last day dont miss)
$160 H.R. Specials! NEW!!.♥EROTIC ~¤~ So♥EXOTIC ~¤~ So♥HYPNOTIC ~¤~ $160 H.R. Special! - 24
(Tulsa, 972 755 9331 Call Me Now! $160 HR)
Verified Mature Upscale Low-Volume Companion in Columbia -- CAROLINA Girl HOLLY-- Outcalls Available - 40
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, OUTCALLS ONLY! up to 90 miles)
ViSiTiNg: JuSt ArriVeD FroM SeAttLe , InCaLLs & OuTcaLLs AvAiLaBLe NoW & ALL NiGhT. - 23
**Visiting** Italian Beauty.. **Great Reviews** (Paypal Accepted) - 25
(Midtown East, Outcalls only)
♥ Visiting **** 36DD BUSTY blonde **** 36DD **** Baywatch babe ****36DD **** Visiting ♥ - 27
(Midtown West, Midtown West ♥♥♥)
Female & Male Masseur Entertainer needed ASAP. No experience necessary! Cash Paid Daily Guaranteed! - 18
(Oklahoma City, USA)
🍒🍒 ☆ 🍒🍒 •`§W€€† § H€AV€N ☆ BU† NÂUGH†Y § H€LL`• 🍒🍒 ☆ 🍒🍒 💯 Special - 23
(Midtown West, By Madison Square Garden)
Sweet 'N Sexy College Chick.... Come and let's get relaxed - 30
(Columbia, Outcalls only to your place)
°·° Sweeter & Softer then your Wildest Imagination ... Freakiest of Tha Freaks! Specials ALL day!! - 25
(Columbia, greystone in only)
❌🔵◾️▪️B L A S T 🔳◾️⬛️◼️🔵◼️⬛️◾️🔳 M O U T H 🔳◾️⬛️◼️🔵◼️⬛️◾️🔳 A S I A 🔳◾️⬛️◼️🔵◼️⬛️◾️🔳 K I S S 🔳◾️🔵 - 21
(San Francisco, San Mateo, SOUTH San Francisco / San Bruno / SFO)
Sexy Thick Redbone Playmate ready too Have fun 803_509 3079 - 22
(Columbia, incall &Columbia; Area outcalls two notch)
*TRY* NEW! OPENING SWEET!! Asian & Latina Girls --|= - 24
(Midtown East, [ 33 St and 2nd ave ])
xxSexy curvy latina trying to heat things up on this cold night xx - 22
(Las Vegas, I can come to you)
~ *•♛•* *:•.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:• : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS •:*¨¨*:•. ♥•:*¨ *•♛•* - 21
(Las Vegas, outcall)
💎💋❤ WhY LoOk AnY FuRThuR? InCaLL SpEciALs 🎁 CaLL NoW 💋💎⭐ - 24
(Las Vegas, Strip: Incalls & Outcalls)
***** VIP no rush ❤SExXY❤ ❤BOMBSHELL❤ ❤HERE❤ ❤ - 23
(Las Vegas, NorthWest, VEGAS STRIP-----> OUTCALL ☎ ☎ ☎)