Thu 09 Jan
Explore BDSM and Fetish with Beautiful and Alluring Mistress Sterling - 39
(San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, San Pedro, Long Beach)
----//---- Real & Mature Blonde Woman... ----//---- Totally Sane ____ D & D free ----//---- - 32
~oO* GORGEOUS Latina! SEXY, HOT, Beautiful, THE BEST 4 YOU!! Guarantee... * PATTY*Oo~ - 35
(Van Nuys (S.F.V.))
NEw) ★GiGaNtIC CaNtElOpE BOoBs★ CuRvY★(SaMoAN MiX) ★(42FF) ★ExOtIc FaCE★ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, encino incalls /outcalls also)
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▒█▒ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▒█▒ Independent ☆ Flat Rate ☆ Kissable__________ ▒▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▒█▒_ - 21
(Las Vegas, On Strip NOW 702**608**2189)
100% ReaL PhoTos ... ExotiC BrunEtte Playmate .... Up ALl NighT - 21
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS 405)
🎀 120 InCall Special 🎀 🌹Adult Star MYA LUSHES in ToWn🌹 G👀gle Me!!! 💋 Great ReviewS👍👍👍 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland hill / calabasas)
Sultry blonde will travel to E.Tn. Exemplary customer service, you'll be glad you found me! CC's Ok - 37
(Based in Nash will travel to Knoxville, Knoxville)
———— :¦:•S• E • X • Y• :¦:——————— * HOT §ExY BLONDE * ———————— * :¦:•S• E • X • Y• :¦:——————— - 23
(Cleveland, OUTCALL! ..wherever YOU are!)
THICK TREAT ❤[•♥•] N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [ •♥• ]FAMOUS [ •♥• ] THICKTREAT;)- [•♥•] - 31
(San Antonio, sanantonio,BY THE ATT CENTER , travelout)
Incall{{ { Mobile {{ & indpndt!! ..and One of Th Few that DonT play games! - 30
(Columbus, east/south east..very quiet/discreet)
Wed 08 Jan
💦💋Sensual & Sexy Finest👠 Exotic Queen 👑 In MARKHAM💋647-641-7109 - 22
(High 7/407/MARKHAM, Toronto, York Region)
Sweet, Sexy, BUSTY, Big Boned + Xtra Tall & Well...what more could u ask 4? ~ ~ Blonde/Blue - 43
(Tampa Airport Area)
🌈💕Sexy Bubbley Brunette Bombshell ❤️💚💜💙 Playmate Material💕🌈 - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, Westshore)
:NEW*¨NEW¨ NEW *GORGOUSE ;:*¨¨* CLASSY : *: REAL ; ;:*¨ WOMAN *:*: 8134019849 - 21 - 21
💋❤Im A Pleaser, NOT a Teaser ❤ Come & Play w/ 💋 LAYLA💋 Tampa's Finest European Bombshell! 💋 - 33
(Downtown,Westshore,rocky point, Airport, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
Out Calls to You; In Calls Oakland - 24
(East Bay, North Bay, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay, San Mateo, Oakland)
Downtown Incall 💋 -100% Real pic!!- Beautiful, Busty Persian 36D ¤ specials ¤ - 21
(Downtown SF Incall / Outcall 💋, San Francisco)
_100 SPeCiALs_ SweeT & SExY BLONDE BoMbSHEll __ BrAiNs & BeAuTY! __ 100% REaL PiCS, 100% ReaL SWeET! - 22
😗Pretty Blonde Baby Ready To Play😗 〰 ⭐LastNightSpecials⭐ - 22
(City of San Jose, Downtown, San Jose / South Bay)
The ULTIMATE JIGGLY BOOTY Wide Load 1 Of A Kind Dump Truck Badunkadunk ASS On A MIXED Bitch Only $60 - 35
(The San Fernando Valley)
🌴🌺 👄 The Latina Exotic Goddess Girl 🌴🌺 👄 ROSY 👄🌺🌴 Quick 80 today - 🌴🌺 👄 - 35
(San Fernando Valley, NORTH HOLLYWOOD)
♥ The Real Deal! DRoP De@D GoRGEouS* BL0NDE Green Eyed HOTTIE♥ 120/200 TXT OK - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Chatsworth Woodland Hills Porter Ranch)
** -------------- THE _BADDEST _BL0NDE ------------ ** ---------- 1OO _SPECIALS ------------- ** - 22
(55 & DYER ................. IN/0UT 24HRS)
The Beautiful Hungarian and Russian Bomb shell Natalia is Back in town Dont miss out! 818 821 3732 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, NOHO, STUDIO CITY,Burbank, 818 831 3732)
❤ SWEET Private Incall ❤ Busty Playmate X Blonde ❤ 12p-9pm 🌀 A+ VIP Reviewed ID295589 ❤ REAL PICS ❤ - 29
(NOHO Upscall Private IN Mon-Thurs 12N-9p, San Fernando Valley)
p _____ L _____ a _____Y ______ t _____ I _____ m _____E _____ B _____ O_____ y_____ s - 21
(OUTCALL/incall sfv VAN NUYS)
Let's play !!!! the pleasure will b mine smile!!! - 27
(San Fernando Valley, san Fernando valle y,ca)
ExOTiC__ MiXed__G O R G E O U S ♥ H O T T I E ♥ __ - 19
(San Fernando Valley, iN Call in Burbank..Out Call Available..)
Exotic Chocolate Pleasure Princess 💦💦💋 All Night 📲 Call Now 📲 818_967_3754 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, North Hollywood Ventura Van Nuys los Ang)
*¨¨* EXOTIC *¨¨* CUTIE *¨¨* WITH *¨¨* AN *¨¨* AMAZING*¨¨* BOOTY! *¨¨* - 18
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys,Sherman Oaks)
~*~*~*~ ___ ^ ___♥ PeTiTe BLoNDe WiTH BLue eYeS * SuPeR CuTe * ♥ ___^___~*~*~* - 20
(____Incall Outcall * 1O1/118)
80.SPECIAL NeW gUrL iN HoLLYWOOD!! cHeCk oUt mY sPeCiaLs!! - 23
~• I V O R Y 21 •~ . . . S w e e t P e t i t e B u s t y B l o n d e... *CALL 4 SEXY GiRL PROMiSE - 21
(San Antonio, ~• HOTELS & RESiDENCES •~)
💕 💕💕 🌹 Beautiful Chocolate Barbie ! 🌹 👑 Sweet! Beautiful EBONY Outcall Girl 💕💕💕💕 < - 18
(Downtown, San Antonio)
💎SeXy 💦 White°LaTinA MIx💋 BBW ★ FREaky ★YOUng 💦 NeW 👑 💯 GREAT RATeS - 20
(El Mirage / Peoria, Phoenix, West Valley)
*_ღ_* HIPS *_ღ_* THIGHS *_ღ_* CURVES *_ღ_* VERY SEXY*_ღ_* - 21
(Scottsdale (101 @ Indian School Rd.))
💋💎 Blonde College Bombshell 💕 💯% ReaL 💕💎 Toned Body💎💋 BeauTiIFuL FaCe 💕 CLaSSY 💕 💚🎀💚🎀 - 23
(East Valley, O/C Only - Resort Friendly)
5 HOTT!ES 💋 H!GH P0!NT ______ 💓 ______ V00D00B00T!ES 💞 F!NEST ______ 💓 ______ MON-FRI 💋 10a-7pm - 21
(Greensboro, High Point (we don't come out))
open minded . . . . sexy & sweet . . . . yummy treat - 19
(Panama City, Pensacola, Tallahassee, 10 minutes away)
👑Pensacola's Mediterranean Godess' Inn call special💜* text /call for Details**💋 (850-288-5719) - 26
(Pensacola, Pensacola, off of i10.)
@@@ FIRST TIMER !!! YOU NEED TO SEE ME!!!!! REAL PIC !! no regrets !!! new in town - 23
◆ █ An¥hInG §h£ CaN dO ◆ ◆ i CaN dO b££r █ ◆ I N C A L L S - 22
((((((_____T A R R Y T O W N_______)))))
☆... ☆ ...BEAUTIFUL... ☆ ...FUN!!! ☆ ... EXOTIC ☆ ... BEAUTIFUL ... - OuTcAlLs - 26
(Orlando, tampa all surrounding area)
☆ ———▄▀▄ — S——— E——— N——— S ———A ———T——— I ———O ———N ———A—— L — blonde ☆ - - 31
(Orlando, Orlando, Kirkman.attractions area❤)
ExPeRieNcEd 45 yr old SeXy playmate SpEcIAlS $100 donation incall 405 482-4635 405 633-4351 SE Okc - 45
(Oklahoma City, se 82 st and i 35 south)
🌺🐝🌺IN&OUTCALL;💖💖💖NEW Fantastic Asian girls💋 💋 💖guaranteed 19 yrs💖 437-997-5949💖 - 19
(Hwy 7 / Leslie St / Bayview Ave, Toronto, York Region)
Tuesdays W*E*T and Hot A*S*Sman Special all Day AnD Night! (Missy back in Brandon)
(INCALL /OUTCALL all over)
Tall, Sexy, Long Haired Brunette.. Ready to play?????? - 29
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, St.Pete, Clearwater)
*Ebony BombShell, Visiting Norfolk for Indulgent Companionship & ORGASMIC Rendezvous - 21
(Norfolk In's & Out's)
*** Danger!!!! * Hot Sexxy Fun In Slidell * Danger!!! Enter at Own Fun **** - 40
(New Orleans, northshore)