Mon 27 Jan
BlackNC Daimond in G-boro /Leaving @ noon! SUPER BRAIN JR. - 36
(Greensboro, Greensboro and surounding areas)
Back In Greensboro🐒 The Lollipop Queen 🐒🍭 Call Me And Dont Miss Out 🍭 - 48
(Greensboro, Meadoview Rd, Burlington,High Point,W-)
💣💣Blonde Bombshell💣💣putting a smile👅 on ur lips💋 that'll last for days & have u seeing 💫 star - 23
★ B3TT3R THAN H3R⇧AND H3R⇩—— *AVAILABLE NOW* —— *50 SP3CiALS★ Late Night & Early AM 💋💋💋 - 21
(Greensboro, W. Wendover Ave. INCALL 50qv)
beautiful NEW GIRL in Town with amazing HARLEY!!!! - 25
(Greensboro, Greensboro & Burlington & Triad)
********* AVAILABLE NOW ******** ***** Exotic Black & Winter Beauty *** $80hr - 20
(Greensboro, High point rd $50 speical)
AVAILABLE NOW•*•- ★ I DONT T€A§€ I PL€A§€ ★.•*•- ★ 60 SpeCiaL ★.•**• - 35 - 35
(Greensboro, airport area)
Are ready for something different and memorable?
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
@----> my b0dy is ur party ;) available 24/7 any time any day
(Greensboro, in calls available 29 north)
⚫🎯SPECiAL $100HH🎯⚫❌⚪❌NoVaS •ULTiMATE• cOmPaNiOn |[ 💞HaNds DoWn ThE B.E.S.T aRoUnD💞]|❌⚪❌ - 40
(Northern Virginia, Sterling Dulles 🍁🌻🍁Incalls Only)
🌥60qv Outcalls Until8 😘 336-900-4356 Love FiRst tiMers 👑I'll CØmÊ ØvÊR ❤️ SliM ebONy❤️ sPEEdy ArriVaL❤️ - 22
******** BeAuTy, BoDy & BRaInS.....YoU WaNt It??? I GoT It! ********* - 21
(greensboro & surrounding areas)
👣👣 Sneak Away 👣👣😍💋 to the 💋😘ULTIMATE 💋💦👅🔥expérience 💕💋💞😍 with the👌💕 PERFECT💞💕 Ebony Bombshell 🎀👣💋 - 22
(Crystal City 🚇Pentagon City🚇 Arlington, Northern Virginia)
SO SEXY! Brunette Doll Available! The Perfect Treat! Ready 2 Play!! - 24
(Northern Virginia, Reston- Herndon- Dulles Airport)
•★ A •★• P E R F E C T •★ TEN •★• ___BLONDE___★• •★• - 23
(Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, IN or OUT ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington)
☆ ___ B0YS ___ [웃] ____ ( L ♥ V E ) ___ N@UGHTY ___ THiCK💋 ___ ☆___100% 🇭🇴🇹🇹🇮🇪 - 20
(Greensboro, outcalls only)
❤️Alamance County❤️254-735-6459 Trucker Friendly I'm 5Mins Away! 😘*☆.•R£Al PiCs!*.• - 20
(Burlington Mebane Haw River, Greensboro)
▐▃▐▃▐▃▐▃▐▃▐▃▐▃▐▃ ❤ ASIAN GIRL ❤▐▃▐▃▐▃▐▃ 100% ME▐▃▐▃▐▃▐▃ SWEET INcall ▃❤ ▐▃▐▃▐▃❤ ▐▃▐▃▐▃▐▃ ❤❤▐▃▐▃ - 22
(Greensboro, ❌ Greensboro airport ❌❌757-319-7482❌)
A Great Morning Awaits!!! Burlington call or text (336)493-9263 - 22
(Greensboro, incall burlington)
☎~☎$45 I'm ☆ Alw@ys ☆ On My ☆ N@ughtiest ☆ Beh@vior!! ✔ $100hr SPECIALS ALL DAY& NIGHT! ☎~☎~☎✔✔ - - 21
👑 ✨ ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛⓢ! ° 💋 60qk 80 hh 120hr👑🍭 BⓔTTⓔR THAN HⓔR⇧AND HⓔR⇩💎💕 - New Cali hottie 4 u - 24
(Greensboro, Greensboro All Areas)
$50 Special **Hot sexxy freaky red bone female ** Do whatever it takes (Incalls Only) - 27
(Greensboro, Greensboro/High Point rd)
★╰☆╮ ALL NATURAL★ ╰☆╮ FiT★ ╰☆╮ SeXy BeAUTy★ ╰☆╮★...╰☆╮ READY For FuN★ ╰☆╮ - 23
(Greensboro, Surrounding Areas)
A Big Suprise In a Small Package Mz Sexy blac Tells It All 5O dlollar specials going now no text - 24
(Greensboro, on highpoint road)
SeDuCtIvE and StIMuLaTiNG! Your Perfect Companion! A lady in Public but YOUR Cougar in Private! - 39
(Northern Virginia, Dulles Area Hotel INCALL ONLY)
💋💋💋 A Sensually Stunning *MATURE* High Class *WOMAN* 💋 AMAZING NEW PICS💋 *Many Reviews* - 40
(Charlotte, * ~ Concord Area ~ * INCALL ONLY *)
•60•💋•LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET -:¦:-I DO IT -:¦:- THE BEST Papi 💋Around ! 💋60Specia! Last Nite - 23
(Greensboro, In&Outcall;)
$45$CoMe & GeT iT BaBy ▆★ ThiCk & §WeeT BiG TiT *DoMiNiCaN* FrEaK ★▆ NaStY GuRL SpECiALs CaLL NoW - 21
(Greensboro, incall only)
50" Golden Redbone Apple-bottom w/ 44DD SuPer BuStY MATURE Lady -100% All Woman ~ - 40
(Greensboro, 20mile South of Salisbury/Concord)
$40$pecial★) *ExTrEmElY* ) *HOTT* —( *KiLLeR BoDy!* ) —( ''REAL PICS* ) —☆FETISH FRIENDLY☆((★ - 20
(Greensboro, high point rd)
2 🎊 HoT 💞SwEeTiEs👯 WiTh🍉Jμ¡©¥ 🍭LiPs ⭐MiNd 💨 BL¤₩¡NG 👅 LiPs & 👣 ToE 🎀 cUrLiNg 💜TRiCKs ⭐ - 39
(Greensboro, Greensboro area $80 SPEC OUTCALLS)
12am-6am Special!! Brand New!! Make An Offer!! Danny Boo 336-265-7270!!! - 22
(Greensboro, greensboro,nc)
((100%Real PicS) ..☆ WARNING ☆ ೋ •* ☆ HIGHLY ☆ ೋ ೋ•*'"*• ADDICTIVE •*'"* ☆ BOMBSHELL☆ ೋ 🍬🍬 🍰 - 21
✷60$ S ❥❥δiℳpℓy✷aℳaZinG❥❥✷❥❥ ✔✔💋τθρQυαℓιτγ💋🏆💄👑 #❶ CHOiCE ☜ ☎Caℓℓ Mє! - 21
(Greensboro, Highpoint rd.)
$$50 $$50 Special B€tt€r & ₩€tt€r Than Her↑ AND her↓ 910-551-6435 KARMELLA -READY 4 You - 24
(Greensboro, West Wendover ave)
60$ Qvs In & Outcall!!👅👌"New In Town" Yanna !!💜▒Cuban Italian Exotic Beauty💜▒ !💙👅Tasty & Tight - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro NC)
█████████████ SEXY ██████████████ BLONDE ██████████████ - 25
(Northern Virginia, SEXY BLONDE VISITING! Manassas chantilly)
24/7_100% CoCoa... ((((BBW))))... 60$$p3c!@l (12p-5pm) - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro( highpoint rd area))
☆☆45°45°SPECIALS ** ( SuP€r • S€x¥ ) ★• ..yOUr ★*• ToTaL-: ★FaNTaSy ★ ♥ ( 1oO% R€aL) ✰ NiC3 * - - - - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro nc **45SPECIALS**)
2 Gurl show Playb0y Mansion snow bunny an Ebony Divas 678-462-6489 - 23
(Greensboro, greenboro NC off wendover)